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04 October 2013

It was interesting to read in this month’s edition of People Management magazine that according to research over the past decade by Jon van Reenan at London’s Business School and Stanford’s Nick Bloom, the reason that certain companies have outperformed apparently similar rivals is down to management practices. Put simply, effective managers have had a significant impact on the discretionary effort put in by employees, which in turn has increased productivity, performance and loyalty.

23 September 2013

Like many, I hear so many horror stories when discussing appraisals with my clients. For some, the fear is that the process is a glorified tick box exercise with little or no meaning back in the real world. Others dread the process as it will take a lot of time and for those being appraised, many have no idea if they are going to receive positive or negative feedback.

12 September 2013

It was interesting to read in the news this week that unemployment figures continue to reduce, albeit the number of part time workers has surged to a record high. According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of people out of work reduced by 24,000 in the past month and the national unemployment rate is down to 7.7%.

06 September 2013

"Coaching employees" will feature prominently in the job description of most managers but what exactly is coaching and how am I supposed to do it alongside everything else on my ‘to do list’?

30 August 2013

In the previous blog we looked at some of the reasons that can influence our assertiveness and dictate whether or not we are assertive, aggressive or submissive in our approach to others. So how exactly can I be assertive without alienating others or putting the values of others ahead of my own?

23 August 2013

On the face of it, assertiveness is very straight forward but the reality is that many people often struggle to stand up for themselves, especially in the workplace.

There are many factors that can influence this, often depending on the time of day, who we are with, how important the situation is to us personally and so on.

Consider a scenario in which you wish you had been or could be more assertive and ask yourself which of the following factors apply to you?

To find out more or to book a free consultation: