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Delegation and Team Management Training

Delegation is often confused with allocation, (not to mention abdication) so for the purpose of clarity, allocation is all about passing out work to others, but retaining overall accountability for the outcome.

Effective Delegation

Our delegation training courses equip managers with the necessary tools and structure to delegate tasks effectively, either as part of a wider management development programme or in bespoke bite size sessions. We often begin by inviting learners to explore the pros and cons of delegating, from the perspective of the Organisation, themselves as a manager and the person being delegated to.

Exercises such as these draw out lots of commercial benefits of delegating effectively, including its role in succession planning, reducing the risk of single point of success or failure and so on.

They also highlight the many reasons why managers are often reluctant to delegate, often revolving around a lack of time, trust, or in many cases, both.

Our delegation training courses therefore help managers to make an informed decision about what to delegate, when to delegate, who to delegate to and crucially, how to delegate, in the context of their own working environment and the teams with which they operate in.

The interactive nature of the training means that learners will also be able to discuss those all too common challenges and work through solutions, ensuring that they take away a practical plan of action that can be put to immediate use.

To find out more about our bespoke delegation training courses, please call us on 01295 675506 for a free, no obligation consultation.

If you have any questions or would like an informal chat then please click below.