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Train the Trainer – Tips for Delivering Memorable Workshops

26 August 2016
Board Room

I’m sure that most of us will have attended at least one workshop where we have quickly realised that we are about to lose hours of our life that we will never see again. There will be some of you reading this article who deliver workshops on a regular basis, who will no doubt be astute at identifying those in the room who either don’t want to be there, or genuinely don’t know why they were asked to attend. 

With this in mind, we thought it would be useful to look at some tips that will help you to deliver some memorable workshops for the right reasons!

  1. What are your objectives on the outcomes that are you looking to achieve from delivering the workshop?
  2. What impact would you like the learning to have on each individual, department and the organisation?
  3. Then ask yourself which if the following three learning levels are you looking to influence - knowledge, skills or attitude?

Anything beyond knowledge and you will require far more than a PowerPoint slide deck and heavy learning manual. By covering these questions as part of your preparation, you stand a much better chance at pitching your training at the right level and engaging people in a more effective way.

Here comes the science part, to back up what we are saying…

According to McCall, Lombardo and Eichinger (2002), people learn in the following ways…

70% Learn and Develop through Experience

20% Learn and Develop through Others

(making 90% Experiential Learning and Development)

10% Learn and Develop through Structured Courses and Programs

So, on the subject of learning, what can we deduce from this?

Firstly, it is important not to design your workshops in isolation. By that, we mean that it is often a good idea to factor in action learning sets, mentoring and other follow up activities. If 90% of learning and development is achieved through experience, this needs to make up a part of your workshop as a way of engaging and ensuring that what you are delivering is memorable. 

Secondly, incorporate as much interaction wherever possible, including relevant practical exercises in the delivery in order to maximise learning opportunities. This can be achieved by applying the following four stage process to designing any workshop…

1. DO - start with a do - an activity or exercise

2. REFLECT - Then reflect by reviewing the outcomes of the activity

3. THEORY - Then you can bring in the theory, in as much detail as required

4. DISCUSSION/EXERCISE - Finally, a discussion or exercise to apply the learning.

For more tips on Train the Trainer or to learn more about our other services, please call us on 01295 675506 for a free consultation.

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