Some Tips To Gain a Sound Return on Your Investment in Learning
Quarter of workers receive no training
This is a bold statement we hear you cry, and one with far reaching consequences in terms of growing and developing UK businesses and their employees.
“One in four employees does not receive any training opportunities at work beyond their onboarding process” – the CIPD has highlighted a poll recently conducted on behalf of the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
Improving Productivity in the Workplace:
How well is your workplace working?
A recent study, The Next 250K, released by research company Leesman, has highlighted that Organisations are not getting what they should from their workplaces. Only just over half of those surveyed agreed that their workplace actually supported productivity.
Tips for Choosing a Reputable Business Coach
There are a number of myths associated with working with a Business Coach.
The first is that a coach is only used by ‘underperformers’ who are struggling! The reality is that many successful people from all walks of life use coaches. With the exception of Bubba Watson (apologies non-golf fans) you would be hard pressed to find an elite sportsperson who doesn’t use at least two performance coaches.
Tips on Writing a Job Description
How do you go about creating an effective job description to attract the right kind of talent?
Many of us start with getting into the detail very early on in a job description, as opposed to focusing on the outcomes required once the job holder is in post.
How Do I Know if I Am Emotionally Intelligent?
Let’s start at the beginning. What exactly is Emotional Intelligence?
Well, Emotional Intelligence (EI), or emotional quotient (EQ) is generally described as an individual’s ability to recognise and discern between feelings and behaviours.
How Does Cognitive Neuroscience Impact on Coaching?
Ok so it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but ‘Cognitive Neuroscience’ is one of the buzz phrases more frequently linked with coaching, because of the important role it is argued it can play.